Welcome to Kizomba Rooms

The online Kizomba community

About Us

Kizomba has grown, and that is thanks to social media, Facebook in particular. However, we feel the Kizomba community has outgrown the multiple and rigid Facebook groups it's in. We believe we need something in addition! (not to replace), one place to go online, where we can share, engage and grow our community. That's simply it, no catch and no stress - let's just be here, as ourselves and engage, or don't. No pressure :)

Why You Should Join Us

We're aiming to make your experience here dope. We want you to get five key things from Kizomba Rooms:

  • Experience, content that you can’t find anywhere else about Kizomba, Semba and UrbanKiz mostly driven by our members.

  • Meet new people who share the love of Kizomba, near you! cliques are great, but new peeps are dope too!

  • Make better, more informed decisions about where to learn and go for social with feedback from other dancers.

  • Ask questions, swap stories or event tickets, reviews, and ideas (not necessarily advice) around your experiences, both local and international.

  • Find inspiration and discover music. We have instructor and DJ perspectives regularly.

A Big Thanks

To make this a reality, we’re going to need your help though. Every time you contribute a story, experience, or idea, you’re building a knowledge base every member of this community can tap into. And when you invite in as few as two new members, you’re adding rocket fuel to what this community can accomplish together. It doesn’t get any better than that.